Gratitude and Goal Setting

Take control of your happiness

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SMART Goals Crash Course!

Want a sneak peak into some of the strategy behind goal setting? Here's a short break down into SMART goals, one of the many techniques taught in this course.

Putting the basics into action

Watch this video as an introduction on applying SMART goals into real life with examples!

Improve focus, increase productivity, achieve your goals, AND gain happiness along the way. Practicing gratitude together with goal setting is a scientifically-proven powerhouse combination to bring direction and certainty back into your life.

Live your best life

Sometimes we get great ideas, set goals and start off with great intentions, but lose momentum as the excitement wears off. We try to rely on willpower to keep us going, but we burn through it fast. However, we still want to have an amazing life, despite all the factors against us.

Maybe you've been doing a gratitude practice and you're not feeling happy yet. Maybe you've set some goals and you're not getting the results you want. You're wondering if there's a better method.

If you haven't tried combining an active gratitude practice with effective goal setting, then you're missing out on an incredible scientifically-proven powerhouse for happiness, achievement, and taking control over the direction of your life.

Learn to use an active gratitude practice to focus on what you choose to focus on, and then use goal setting to add action and bring your vision to life.

In this training, we'll examine four key areas: health, wealth, love and happiness. We'll explore these areas through an active gratitude practice that sets you up for making good decisions. It will be followed by goal setting in one of the key life areas, with guidance to focus on how to enjoy your journey toward your desired results.

Your Instructor

Yvonne Lines
Yvonne Lines

From sucked into the sofa to a walking library...

I used to go home, flip on the 'toob, watch hours of mindless tv, go to bed, get up, go to work, repeat. Finally, I got sick of it to the point that I decided to do something...

I read every leadership, finance, and development book I could grab. After 236 books, my mindset had changed so much, I was able to leave my steady job, build my own business, and still avoid an all-ramen diet. Now, I can finally call myself a business owner, a surfer, and a motorbike adventurer.

I’m loving life and want to share what I’ve learned, so that you can live your best life too.

Yvonne Lines, Mindset Mentor and Founder,
[email protected]


"I start each of my days with the same gratitude practice I'll be guiding you through in this training. Then, similar to the goal setting we'll be working on, I set my intentions for the day.

This regular practice has significantly enhanced my life. It helps me focus on what I choose to focus on. When we have a positive state of mind, we are better able to make good decisions. That leads to good outcomes and more to be thankful for. It's an upward spiral that keeps getting better and better.

We'll be working through a method that has been a major contributor to how I went from feeling stuck in my life, to absolutely loving it. I'm excited to share it with you."

– Yvonne Lines, founder of

Here’s what people are saying...

“I really look forward to our sessions together. I find it refreshing and rewarding to have someone celebrate mini accomplishments and highlights that would otherwise be overlooked. Now, when something happens in my day, I think, ‘I’m going to tell Yvonne this.’ It feels celebratory. I’ve tried other gratitude practices, but they’ve dropped off. This one feels like one thing feeds into another and it comes together, so it will stick. Sometimes when Yvonne repeats back what I’ve said, I can see the interconnectedness of the categories – what I feel in one area, will have an impact in another. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the process and learnings."
– Camila M.

"This training enabled me to make meaningful changes in my life that I had been previously neglecting. With the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to avoid taking the time to reflect on the things you want to achieve and the things that you already have. I learned how to easily set both short and long term goals, and adopt a gratitude practice that encompasses numerous key area of life. I've tried other gratitude practices before and this one is by far my favourite. With both active and passive components, you get to praise yourself for your hard work, and appreciate all the beauty around you. Yvonne is an excellent instructor, her positivity and enthusiasm is contagious."
– Natalie A.

"This workshop helped me to learn about myself and how to work with my own strengths and weaknesses to make changes that I want to see. I was able to reflect within myself non-judgementally to understand my wants, needs and areas of personal growth. This workshop does NOT serve to make you feel like you need to be a whole new person, nor does it sell some idealistic promise of fixing all your problems and becoming the perfect human, but that is a good thing. You get to make changes that are big enough that you feel proud of them, but small enough that you can actually stick with them on a day-to-day basis. I highly recommend it."
– Claire M.

"Yvonne shares her easy to follow Gratitude and Goal Setting practice, and combines it with specific suggestions based on her wealth of knowledge. I feel the positive impact of this course every day!"
– Jackie B.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course or the 1-on-1 training?
We would never want you to be unhappy. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 2 weeks and we will give you a full refund.
How does the 1-on-1 training work?
Once you sign up, you'll have access to the course right away and we'll connect via email to schedule weekly calls at a time that suits us both. If you need to skip a week, we'll arrange that too.

Unsure about 1-on-1 training? Book a free 20-minute discovery call to get a sample of what you can accomplish with 1-on-1 training and ask any questions you still have: Calendar
Or email your questions to [email protected]

Register for the course, the course plus 1-on-1 training, or do it together with a friend.

Get started now!